Cheers to Thara and Nathaniel! These lovebirds became husband and wife on August 26, 2023, at Douglaston Manor in Queens, NY. And now they have their wonderful wedding videography at Douglaston Manor!

Before the ceremony, Thara and Nathaniel shared a tender moment, their first touch, separeted only by a wall, yet connected by the anticipation of the day ahead. On one side, Thara looked resplendent in her white lace gown with delicate off-the-shoulder sleeves, adorned with a cascading veil intricately embellished with lace. Her hair was styled in gentle waves crowned with a sparkling accessory. On the other side, Nathaniel cut a striking figure in his crisp white suit. Holding hands, without exchanging glances, they read letters penned to each other.

As the sun bathed Douglaston Manor in its golden glow, the outdoor ceremony unfolded. Nathaniel stood waiting, flanked by groomsmen in green suits and bridesmaids in shades of blush. The adorable ring bearers and flower girls made their charming entrance, paving the way for Thara’s arrival. Against the backdrop of a wooden arch decorated with white roses, they exchanged heartfelt vows, sealing their promises with a tender kiss, beautifully documented by the wedding videography at Douglaston Manor.

The reception exuded elegance from every corner. The couple’s entrance was met with awe. Then, they took to the dance floor for their romantic first dance, accompanied by indoor sparklers, beautifully captured by the wedding videography at Douglaston Manor. The cutting of the four-tiered cake marked a sweet beginning to their journey as a married couple. Then the evening transformed into a lively celebration, with guests joining the party. Finally, the newlyweds bid farewell to their guests in a blaze of sparklers!

Congratulations again Thara and Nathaniel! We wish you nothing but the best!

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